Touching the divine
An Enchanting Encounter
This photograph captures a moment of profound significance. It was taken during the rutting season, a time when stags echo through the landscape like celestial beings.
The clock read 6 am on a misty morning, where visibility extended only a short distance—no more than 20 meters. As I ventured forward, a red stag materialized in the fog.
I discreetly trailed the majestic creature as the mist gradually unveiled our surroundings. Then, an enchanting moment unfolded.
The stag halted, nestled in the tall grass, and released a powerful bellow just as the sun's rays pierced the dissipating fog, revealing their presence.
It felt like a powerful spectacle, as if the stag's resounding call moved celestial beings to descend from the heavens and meet the echo of its voice here on Earth.
In that moment, I sensed that through its mighty and enchanting cry, the deer was reaching out to touch the divine.