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Jewellry  - choose your dimensions

Jewellry - choose your dimensions

This picture has a interesting story, read it to fully enjoy the picture :) 


It was in Peru, close to midnight, in the midst of the darkness of the Amazon rainforest. I was searching for the fascinating animals that inhabit this anxious environment. At one point, I saw a damselfly hanging on a beautifully curved branch. The lines created by the continuity between the branch and the insect were very harmonious.I took the shot with my camera flash. At that time, the wing's colours were completely transparent, as we see with our naked eye. When I returned home and opened the picture on my computer's screen, I saw a myriad of colours blooming from the wings of this wonderful arthropod. This is when I realised that all the subtle tones of colours that were hidden within its wings, which our naked eye could not grasp, were brought to life and highly enhanced due to the camera flash!

Sometimes, things are just in front of us but are hidden because of our blindness regarding the situation.

It could be the beauty of the colours concealed within those wings.
It could be our family, wonderful people we do not spend enough time with.
It could be a person who appears superficially insipid but is deeply full of life. It could be our monotonous routine that would appear like a dream to the most impoverished
It is anything we have taken for granted in life that is the source of our deepest fulfilment, if seen with the right eyes.

This picture symbolises the fact that we need to open our eyes to find the beauty in our lives rather than passing by this damselfly without ever knowing the myriad of colours hidden in its wings.

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