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La vie Pérou Maximilien Bozon-DeNoiseAI-low-light.jpg

The lines of life

This image, when examined closely, can tell a profound story about life itself.


Let me elaborate 

The upper black section of the image symbolizes the early stages of life, where darkness prevails. It's a period of confusion, tears, and the search for one's identity and character.

The middle portion represents the majority of one's life journey, captured in black and white. It's a blend of highs and lows, a time for self-construction, the formation of one's beliefs, and the development of ideas.

The lower part of the image signifies the later stages of life, where the darkness of youth gradually fades as one grows older. With age comes wisdom and inner peace, which the white hues represent.

The cormorant, placed at the top of the image and merging with the alternating black and white lines, symbolizes your vibrant and prominent presence when you are living life to the fullest. As you descend, the reflection of the cormorant gradually vanishes, signifying the passage of time that ultimately separates us from this world.

From top to bottom, this composition mirrors the journey from life's inception to its conclusion.

La vie Pérou Maximilien Bozon-DeNoiseAI-low-light.jpg

The lines of life

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